Province of Nova Scotia

Critical Incident Reporting Form

Reporting a Critical Incident

The following form is to be completed and submitted in compliance with SLTC Critical Incident Reporting Policy ( ) within one business day of a critical incident. The completed form will go directly to the Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care (SLTC)

Contact Information of Submitting Person:

Nature of Incident: (please check):

Safety Incidents

Service Providers are expected to have safe work practices, policies and procedures in place to prevent and respond to critical incidents. Reporting a critical incident to the department is an important part of managing an incident and does not eliminate a service provider’s responsibility to address and document incidents as well as engage all appropriate parties and resources.

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Privacy Statement

The information provided on this form is collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with the Critical Incident Reporting Policy, Personal Health Information Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will not be collected, used or disclosed, for any other purpose except as authorized by law.