Province of Nova Scotia

Reducing Red Tape for Physicians

Share your challenges and ideas

Unnecessary administrative burden (red tape) affects doctors in many ways like impacting their productivity, work-life balance, job satisfaction and the amount of time they can spend with existing patients or take on new ones. We are looking for feedback from physicians to identify unnecessary administrative burden and ideas for improvement (for example, forms that are too long and processes that are confusing or take too much effort). By sharing your challenges and ideas, you can help the Government of Nova Scotia remove and reduce unnecessary administrative burdens.

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Contact Information (optional)

You only need to enter your contact information if you would like the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness to contact you about your feedback.

For example, 902-555-5555
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Optional Document Upload

If you would like to attach documents (photos, letters, etc.) to help illustrate your concern or suggestion, please do so below:

Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, jpg, png

Maximum file size per file: 10 MB

Privacy Note

Survey data/your opinions provided on this form are collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure. The information will only be collected, used, and disclosed internally to gather your feedback on areas you found burdensome, your suggestions for improvement, and how government can work together to improve our processes and remove perceived burdens. If you indicate your interest in receiving a follow-up after completing this survey, you will be required to provide your contact information (name, email address, and phone number), and that information will be collected, used, and disclosed for the purpose of contacting and engaging with you further on your views for the purpose of this program under the authority of the FOIPOP Act and Public Service Act. We may only use or disclose your information for other purposes if we are authorized by law. To read more about how government respects your privacy when interacting with us review our full privacy statement at: For questions about how your personal information is handled by the program, you may contact us at 902-424-1513 or